
PageMaker keeps a history of the current page, and the last 16 pages visited in the publication during the current PageMaker session This query gets information about that history.

This query is new in PageMaker 6.5

Query constructor

PGetPageHistory(short nItem);
-1 to query number of items in history
0 to query current location within history
1-17 the item number to query particular item in history

This query is new in PageMaker 6.5

Query results

short nPageNumber;
Number of items in history if nItem was -1
Current item in history if nItem was 0
Page number of requested item in history otherwise (-3 or -4 for left or right master page.)
const char * sMasterPage;
"" if a standard page or nItem was -1 or 0
Name of master page if nPageNumber was -3 or -4

Note: If the PGoBack command is used, PageMaker jumps to the previous item in the history but the history does not change, thus the current item is not always the last one (the history can have 5 items with the current page being the 3rd item).

See also

The PGoForward and PHyperJump commands.

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